Special guest speaker Maulana Muhammad Umar Hayyat Qadri.

Gillan – the land of Sufi’s and its Imam
GillanThe word Gillan, is referred to a Northern Province in Iran. In Arab theletter ‘G’ or its Urdu equivalent “gayn” (Roman Urdu) does not exist,
Special guest speaker Maulana Muhammad Umar Hayyat Qadri.
GillanThe word Gillan, is referred to a Northern Province in Iran. In Arab theletter ‘G’ or its Urdu equivalent “gayn” (Roman Urdu) does not exist,
On the 11 th of Rabi Ul Thani, is the Urs Mubarak of the Imam of all Auliya, the Grand Sheikh Syed Abdul Qadir Gillani
Wisdom of the blessed Naqshbandi Sheikhs Allah SWT, has blessed his beloved messenger, Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, with unimaginable blessings and
Hazrat Baba Ji Pir Sayyed Haidar Shah Badshah Al Maroof Kali Chaadar Wali Sarkar Hazrat Baba Ji Pir Sayyid Haidar Shah Badshah Al Maroof Kali
Faizan e Chura Shareef The Master of the Naqshbandi Sufi Order, Chief Master of Saints, The Forever Flowing Fountain, Bawa Ji Pir Syed Noor Muhammad