Faizan e Chura Shareef
The Master of the Naqshbandi Sufi Order, Chief Master of Saints, The Forever Flowing Fountain, Bawa Ji Pir Syed Noor Muhammad (Rahmatullah Alaih) also known as Bawa Ji, the Founder of Chura Shareef, came to Chura Shareef in 1876 CE from Theera, a tribal area near the border between Dera Ismail Khan, Kabul and Wana.
Chura Shareef is in the Attock District, approximately 100 kilometers from Rawalpindi. It was unknown to the world until Bawa Ji (RA) arrived here with their son Baba Ji Syed Faqeer Muhammad (RA). It was through Baba Ji Syed Faqeer Muhammad (RA) and their descendents that the world was to see and feel the Naqshbandi blessings expand rapidly.
Attock District is in the northwest of the Punjab province of Pakistan. Attock District is bordered by the Haripur and Swabi districts of North-West Frontier Province to the north, the district of Rawalpindi to the east, the district of Chakwaal to the southeast, the district of Mianwali to the southwest, and North-West Frontier Province districts of Kohat and Nowshera to the west and northwest. The river Indus forms the western boundary of the district.
Through Bawa Ji Syed Noor Muhammad’s (Rahmatullah Alaih) four sons, namely Baba Ji Pir Syed Faqeer Muhammad (Rahmatullah Alaih) also known as Baba Ji Sarkar, the blessed Naqshbandi teachings flourished to the world. Among the Khanqah’s who received Faiz from Baba Ji Sarkar are Alipur Shareef, Eidgah Shareef, Mohra Shareef, Sharaqpur Shareef, Dhangri Shareef, Bawali Shareef, Shadpur Shareef, Atrwali Shareef, Nathyal Shareef, Aghar Shareef, Ghamkol Shareef, Alumohaar Shareef, Awan Shareef, Kayyan Shareef and many more have gained Fuyyooz from.
On an international basis there is no country (apart from Israel) where the Faiz of Chura Shareef isn’t present. The Faiz distributed from Baba Ji Sarkar has helped changed the lives millions of people for the better throughout the world. Today, there are 73 Khanqah’s, who have reaped Faiz from Baba Ji Sarkar, directly or indirectly.
In the UK too, the Faiz of Baba Ji Sarkar is clearly visible, from North Scotland to the South of England, hundreds of thousands of Naqshbandi’s are directly or indirectly disciples of the blessed household of Chura Shareef. Europe, America and the middle-east also has its share of thousands of Naqshbandi’s who are part of this beautiful chain which goes back to the honourable Sheikh’s of Chura Shareef.

On the joyous day of the Birth of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the Muslim Nation were celebrating their first day of independence. Also celebrating in the province of Attock, in the Valley of the Blessed Saints, in Chura Shareef the blessed Household of Baba Ji Pir Syed Fazal Shah RA were giving thanks to Allah swt, a son was born.
Indeed it was a great day, and a holy day, for it was Friday the 27th of Ramadhan, 1366 AH and a day that will be imprinted in history and the hearts of Sub Continent Muslims, the 14th of August of 1947.
The father of the new born, Baba Ji Pir Syed Fazal Shah RA and the grandfather, Baba Ji Pir Syed Haidder Ali Shah RA, were away on religious duties. The brother of Baba Ji Pir Haidar Shah RA, Pir Syed Mahboob Hussain Shah RA arrived at the newborns house, congratulating everyone on the birth of his nephews son.
Such a glorious occasion and great blessing, Pir Syed Mahboob Hussain RA performed the Islamic Ritual of Iqamat (reading the Azaan) and placing a date in the newborns mouth, Pir Seyd Mahboob Shah RA also gave the honour of naming the newborn baby Muhammad Shabbir Ali Shah Gillani, a name that will be very famous throughout the Islamic World. Famously now given the title of Baba Ji Sarkar.
As a custom to the Household, which produced very renowned Islamic Scholars and Kamil Walis, the Spiritual Training and Islamic Education started almost immediately. Baba Ji Sarkar, would wake up to their Father Baba Ji Pir Syed Fazal Shah RA sitting on the Janamaz (Islamic prayer mat), reading the Holy Quran and doing the Zikr of Allah. Baba Ji Sarkar whilst learning to walk, had learnt by heart, the whole of Durood e Taj by simply listening to their father reciting it after every namaaz, such was the environment Baba Ji Sarkar was brought up in.
Baba Ji Sarkar’s mother was a very pious lady, she would constantly educate her young son the traditions of his forefathers, the way of the Sufis. Constantly teaching him good manners, and equipping him with qualities that will in the future aid him to bring the many people on the path of Islam.
Baba Ji Sarkar’s mother would prepare food for the household by facing the direction of the Holy Kabbah – Makkah tul Mukkarmah. She would regularly send Baba Ji Sarkar, who was merely 4-5 years old to the shop to obtain food for the household.
The time had reached for Baba Ji Sarkar to start school. At the age of 5 years old, under the command of his father, Baba Ji Sarkar entered the local primary school in Chura Shareef, and learnt the first 5 jamaats of formal education at this school, meanwhile being trained in the Spiritual ways of the Naqshbandi Silsila from their father Baba Ji Pir Syed Fazal Shah RA and their grandfather Grand Shiekh Baba Ji Pir Syed Haidder Ali Shah RA.
At the start of their 6th Jamaat, on the request of their Maternal Family who lived in the District of Chakwaal, Baba Ji Sarkar moved to the local school whose Headmaster was Habeebullah Qadri Sahib RA. Baba Ji Sarkar at an early age were taught Farsi, the language of the Sufis by Maulana Abdur Rehman Sahib RA. The school was very Islamic, during the recess period, the whole school would read namaaz in jamaat, in this way Baba Ji Sarkar were brought in a Islamic home and school environment.
In 1958, at the age of 11 years Baba Ji Sarkar, on the command of their father, moved to Meethra-Wala a school in the District of Gujran Wala, where they completed their 10 Jamaats of formal education. On their return home to Chura Shareef, their father requested Baba Ji Sarkar to return to the School and to touch the feet of their teacher Maulana Abdur Rehman Sahib RA and to ask for dua for future life, Maulana Abdur Rehman RA was reduced to tears, how can a Khadim prayer for a Syed!
Mufti Muhammad Bashir Chishti Naqshbandi RA, would regularly meet Baba Ji Sarkar during the schools recess (during namaaz time), he was taken aback by Baba Ji Sarkar’s will and determination to learn, they started to teach Baba Ji Sarkar dars e quran (with the permission of Baba Ji Pir Syed Fazal Shah RA).
Now a period of intense Islamic Educaiton had started in Baba Ji Sarkar’s life, after finishing School in Gujran Wala, Baba Ji Sarkar travelled to Baday Mian Sahibs Dars, a very famous Islamic Acacdemy in Lahore, where for over 2 years, Maulana Hafiz Ghulam Sahib RA, completed Baba Ji Sarkars, Dars e Quran and also other Islamic Subjects.
Hafiz Ghulam Sahib RA were very much impressed by the speed that Baba Ji Sarkar were learning, they were ahead of fellow students. On their recommendation, Baba Ji Sarkar moved to Jamia Naeemiya, under the very famous Islamic Scholar who was renowned throughout the sub continent, Hazoor Mufti Naeem Sahib RA. Baba Ji Sarkar learnt Dars e Nizaami and other Islamic Sciences, including science of Hikmat.
During their time at Jamia Naeemiya, Baba Ji Sarkar came into regularly contact with very renowned scholars such as Shah Ahmad Noorani Sahib RA, Pir Abdul Qadir Jilani RA of Quetta and Maulana Muhammad Abdul Raheem RA of Lahore. Therefore at a young age Baba Ji Sarkar were accustomed to sit with highley educated Scholars.
After 7 years Baba Ji Sarkar, returned to Chura Shareef. Baba Ji Sarkar’s first Islamic Speech was given, in the presence of their Father and elders in the blessed surroundings of Chura Shareef, the topic of subject was the Fatah of Makkah by the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him.
They led a congregation of scholars in Namaaz at the Markazi Jamia Masjid in Chura Shareef, according to the Customs of Sheikh Ahmed Farooq Sirhindi RA. After Baba Ji Sarkar were instructed by their father to start their travels to do Tableegh, spread the Message of Islam and increase the love for the Prophet, peace and blessings upon him.
Baba Ji Sarkar have since travelled throughout the world, including countries in South Asia, the Middle East and Europe. To this day, Baba Ji Sarkar implement Bawaji Nur Muhammad RA teachings that were brought into subcontinent.